Polish parents of adult disabled together with their children are again organising a sit-down strike. On Wednesday (April 18, 2018) they entered the Sejm, the lower house of the Polish parliament. This time they haveContinue reading
Come All of You Good Workers, Good News to You I’ll Tell
What a time to be alive! When Trump was elected President in November of 2016, my wife and I were in dire straits. We didn’t socialize for about two weeks after, wanting to avoid theContinue reading
The Frustrations of Downsizing and Education Reform
I recently watched Downsizing. It’s not a great movie, rather, it’s actually frustratingly mediocre. Besides the issues of a problematic portrayal of a Vietnamese dissident set against a very flat “everyman” protagonist, I think it’sContinue reading
Tea or coffee? Yes, please!
[HU] December 15-én a magyar értelmiség egy zsákutcában találta magát: szolidaritását fejezze-e ki egy széljobbos párttal? Az ilyen történelmi törések, amikor a kotyogós duruzsolását és a reggeli újság melegét egy dilemma feloldásának megrögzött kísérletei árnyékoljákContinue reading
War Wounds and Political Salt in Divided Education System
In the wake of last month’s events related to the Western Balkans, I have found myself opening old dilemmas and questions about this odd and almost cursed geography. On 22 November, the International Criminal TribunalContinue reading
Who stands “in a pedagogic way” against the right wing extremists in Poland?
In this blog post, EDiTE researchers Ewa Stoecker and Josefine Wagner reflect on the recent events which have brought Poland to the alarming attention of the international community. [PL] W tym wpisie Ewa Stoecker iContinue reading
Distrust and Educational Change An Interview with Dr. Kathy Schultz
A New Audacity: I’m with Dr. Kathy Schultz, Professor and Dean of the School of Education at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She gave the keynote speech at this year’s EDiTE’s Conference on European PerspectiveContinue reading
Pessimism of the Intellect & Optimism of the Will Interview with prof. Dave Hill and dr. Leena Robertson
Between April 19-21, 2017 professor Dave Hill and dr. Leena Robertson (Middlesex University London) gave three lectures at the University of Lower Silesia. Prof. Dave Hill presented a Marxist critique of neoliberalism with a special focus toContinue reading
LGBT In Education A Thick Layered Onion That Will Make You Cry If You Start Cutting Through It
[RS] Скоро је било за очекивати да ћу баш негде у овом периоду допринети овде са кратком дискусијом о проблемима везаним за образовање и ЛГБТ популацију. Прошле недеље, 17. маја, смо пропратили ИДАХОТ, и каоContinue reading
Pedagogy Beyond Punching Nazis
[HU] Az Európa szerte aggasztó mértékben erősödő szélsőjobb mozgalmak és pártok régi-új kihívások elé állítják az antifasiszta ellenállást. Az aktivizmus szintjén egyre inkább a gyűlöletbeszéd társadalmi konzekvenciáinak és „költségeinek” növelése jellemzi az ellenállás logikáját (lásd példáulContinue reading
Privileges on Valentine’s Day
[DE] Mohamed Amjahid, Journalist für Die Zeit, geboren in Marokko und ansäßig in Berlin, veröffentlichte vor drei Monaten sein erstes Buch “Unter Weißen- Was es heißt priviligiert zu sein”. Besonders in Erinnerung von seiner Buchvorstellung in NeuköllnContinue reading
Betsy DeVos and US Education in Trump’s America
I’ve never had a harder time sitting down and deciding what to write about. As an American living abroad in the age of President Trump, there’s just so much to talk about and it’s allContinue reading
Academic Freedom at Stake #IstandwithCEU
[EL] «Ελεύθερη χώρα, ελεύθερο πανεπιστήμιο» ήταν το σύνθημα που φώναζαν περίπου 80,000 διαδηλωτές την προηγούμενη Κυριακή στη Βουδαπέστη. Σε μια μεγαλειώδη πορεία που κατέληξε στο Ουγγρικό Κοινοβούλιο, χιλιάδες άνθρωποι ανεξαρτήτου ηλικίας διαδήλωσαν ειρηνικά ενάντια σε μιαContinue reading