
Helena KovacsHelena Kovacs

Helena is a MSC Early Stage Researcher at ELTE in Budapest (Hungary). Her research project covers teacher learning in innovative learning environments as she attempts to understand how education can serve social change and development. Next to education, Helena’s professional interests also include European affairs, nation-building and identity, and gender.
Prior to joining the Marie Curie family, Helena was a consultant at the Technopolis group in Brighton (UK), where she experienced working in a dynamic setting that deals with commercial evidence-based research, mainly within large European Commission evaluations. Before that, Helena had the chance to see the other side of the coin, as a trainee at the Commission’s DG Education and Culture. In addition, she has years of experience in facilitating non-formal educational trainings in the field of youth across the Balkans. Helena obtained her master degree through Erasmus Mundus Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management programme, in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Bilbao (Spain), and she holds a Bachelor in Community Youth Work.

Ewa StoeckerEwa Stoecker

A self-funded doctoral student at the European Doctorate in Teacher Education at the University of Lower Silesia. She holds an MA in Applied Psychology from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. She is a certified anti-discrimination trainer, educator and researcher working mostly in non-governmental sector for last 15 years. She was Jagiellonian University’s expert in the Educational Leadership project which prepared new formula of professional development of school principles. Ewa’s PhD thesis focuses on anti-discrimination education in teachers’ pre-service training.

Ezra HowardEzra Howard

Ezra Howard is an EDiTE researcher at the Masaryk University. For most of his career he has worked with language learners, first as an after-school program coordinator catering to recent immigrants and then as English as a Second Language teacher with Shelby County Schools. After eight years directly serving students and families, Ezra left the classroom to pursue his PhD. His research focuses primarily on the theory, practice, and policy related to the education of language learners with limited or formal education. Additionally, as a former teacher in SCS’s acclaimed turnaround effort, the Innovation Zone, his academic interests also include turnaround models, state-run school districts, charter conversions, and innovative practices.

Josefine WagnerJosefine Wagner

Josefine is a Researcher at the European Doctorate in Teacher Education at the University of Lower Silesia. She holds an MA in Educational Studies from the Free University of Berlin and has completed her teacher training at a secondary school in Germany where she taught English, History and Politics. Her experiences with inclusive school settings have inspired her to start a research project focusing on the changes that the implementation of the UN-CRPD has on the educational landscapes across Europe.

Tamás TóthTamás Tóth

Tamás is a researcher in the European Doctorate in Teacher Education programme at the University of Lower Silesia. He holds an Ma in Educational Studies and draws from a wide record of experience in working with Roma communities in Hungary. His research topic concentrates on the critique of ideology with a particular focus on the exclusion of Roma people in two post-socialist, semi-peripheral countries – Hungary and Poland.

Vasilis SymeonidisVasilis Symeonidis

Vasileios Symeonidis, MSc. works as a PhD researcher at the Department of Teacher Education and School Research (ILS) at the University of Innsbruck. He holds a M.Sc. in international and comparative education from Stockholm University and a degree in primary school education from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He has worked as a research assistant in the Education International’s Research Unit and undertook a traineeship at the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Cedefop. He has also worked as a school teacher in international school environments in Greece and Sweden, and as the project coordinator of the Future Schools Project for eduACT, an NGO based in Greece. His main research interests include international and comparative education, teacher education policy and practice, education governance and reforms, critical pedagogy, and global citizenship education.

Agnieszka LicznerskaAgnieszka Licznerska

Agnieszka is a researcher in the European Doctorate in Teacher Education programme at the University of Lower Silesia. She holds an MA in English Philology from the University of Wrocław and has received training in special education. She has been a teacher of English for 15 years. Agnieszka’s research studies focus on inclusion at the intersection of mainstream education and special education.