Author: Helena Kovacs

Helena is a MSC Early Stage Researcher at ELTE in Budapest (Hungary). Her research project covers teacher learning in innovative learning environments as she attempts to understand how education can serve social change and development. Next to education, Helena’s professional interests also include European affairs, nation-building and identity, and gender. Prior to joining the Marie Curie family, Helena was a consultant at the Technopolis group in Brighton (UK), where she experienced working in a dynamic setting that deals with commercial evidence-based research, mainly within large European Commission evaluations. Before that, Helena had the chance to see the other side of the coin, as a trainee at the Commission’s DG Education and Culture. In addition, she has years of experience in facilitating non-formal educational trainings in the field of youth across the Balkans. Helena obtained her master degree through Erasmus Mundus Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management programme, in Copenhagen (Denmark) and Bilbao (Spain), and she holds a Bachelor in Community Youth Work.
LGBT In Education A Thick Layered Onion That Will Make You Cry If You Start Cutting Through It">
/ Culture & Society

LGBT In Education A Thick Layered Onion That Will Make You Cry If You Start Cutting Through It

[RS] Скоро је било за очекивати да ћу баш негде у овом периоду допринети овде са кратком дискусијом о проблемима везаним за образовање и ЛГБТ популацију. Прошле недеље, 17. маја, смо пропратили ИДАХОТ, и каоContinue reading