In this blog post, EDiTE researchers Ewa Stoecker and Josefine Wagner reflect on the recent events which have brought Poland to the alarming attention of the international community. [PL] W tym wpisie Ewa Stoecker iContinue reading
Author: Josefine Wagner
Josefine is a Researcher at the European Doctorate in Teacher Education at the University of Lower Silesia. She holds an MA in Educational Studies from the Free University of Berlin and has completed her teacher training at a secondary school in Germany where she taught English, History and Politics. Her experiences with inclusive school settings have inspired her to start a research project focusing on the changes that the implementation of the UN-CRPD has on the educational landscapes across Europe.
Privileges on Valentine’s Day
[DE] Mohamed Amjahid, Journalist für Die Zeit, geboren in Marokko und ansäßig in Berlin, veröffentlichte vor drei Monaten sein erstes Buch “Unter Weißen- Was es heißt priviligiert zu sein”. Besonders in Erinnerung von seiner Buchvorstellung in NeuköllnContinue reading